Notice of the holding of the 35th AGM of Cycling Ireland

The board of the Irish Cycling Federation that trades as Cycling Ireland has resolved that the Annual General Meeting of the company as laid out in Articles 25 et al of the constitution of the company shall be held at 1330 in the Landmark Hotel, Carrick on Shannon on Saturday 30th September 2023. 

The business of the meeting shall be:

a. To consider the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting or any EGM held in the interim period.

b. To receive and consider the Board Report annexed to the annual accounts of the Company.

c. To receive and consider the certified audited financial statements of the Company for the previous year.

d. To receive a presentation from the Chair of each of the Board Sub Committees

e. To fix the rate of annual membership fees for members for the following calendar year.

f. To appoint Auditors to the Company for the following year.

g. To transact or to discuss any general business of the Company. Notice, in writing, of motions for discussion shall have been deposited to the registered office of the company addressed to the Company Secretary in accordance with the provisions of Article 27.

h. To elect members of the Board, subject to the terms of articles 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42.

This notice invites, from Affiliated Clubs and Standing Committees, motions for the AGM on the prescribed motions form and nominations, in the prescribed nominations form, for individuals seeking to stand for election to the Board. Any such proposed motions or nominations as invited pursuant to Article 27a shall be notified to the Company Secretary in writing not less than 50 Clear Days before the date for holding of the AGM. The final date and time to receive such motions and/or nominations is 4:00pm on 12 August 2023.

A form for submission of Motions and nomination of persons to be elected to the vacant board positions is available from or directly from Cycling Ireland at the postal address below.

1. Non-Executive Director (currently filled by Helen Kerrane)

2. Executive Director/Treasurer (currently filled by William Byrne)

Directors Nominations 2023

90 Day Notice Letter

Motions for Congress 2023

Kind regards, 

Myra McGlynn

Company Secretary




The Clockhouse, Sport Ireland Campus,

Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown, 

Dublin 15, D15 CXC2